Choosing Efficient Remediation Services for Your Bridgewater Property
10/22/2021 (Permalink)

Mold Removal Should Begin as Soon as Possible to Protect Bridgewater Homes and Their Occupants.
When mold damage exists in area homes or businesses, it can be dire for those exposed. Addressing these concerns means getting a firm grasp on the extent of the damage, and the ideal remediation approach is to resolve these threats. Often, successful mold removal is the product of answering a few simple questions.
How Did the Mold Occur?
While mold damage in Bridgewater homes can be more common than many homeowners realize, the cause of these conditions will vary from one property to the next. While some homes contend with unresolved water damage, humidity is a concern for others. Identifying the catalyst of the moisture damage that promotes mold growth can direct repairs and remediation services to come.
What Is the Best Way to Remove It?
With dozens of remediation and mold removal strategies possible, choosing the best approach is based on the severity of the situation, the type of material affected, and the perceived salvageability of the impacted elements. There are several specific treatment or mold removal strategies, including:
- Sanding
- Media blasting
- Antimicrobial cleaning
- Controlled demolition
What Restoration Obstacles Exist?
Even with the mold colonies removed and the situation mostly resolved, there are often still obstacles to the full restoration of the property needed. Our contractor license helps us to overcome the structural damages created by colonization. From roof repair to foundation patching, we have solutions to help prevent recurrences.
Mold growth happens quickly in moist conditions, so our SERVPRO of Bridgewater team should act fast to begin mitigating loss and preventing the situation from getting worse. Our skilled remediators are available 24/7 to reach damaged properties. Give us a call today at (908) 222-2020.